If you’ve been using the internet for any length of time, you’re likely aware that cybercriminals are looking to steal your data and infect your devices with malware. Fortunately, it’s fairly easy to avoid the most obvious malicious links and websites. The problem is that there are so many ways attackers can get your information and infect your computer that it’s impossible to stay vigilant all the time. Attackers rely on social engineering to trick users into clicking malicious links. It could be as simple as sending you a link that appears to be a legitimate download, but really opens up your device to a drive-by download attack that encrypts or steals sensitive information like login credentials and financial details.
Thankfully, there are tools available that will let you know whether a link is safe to click. These include browser plug-ins and website services that allow you to enter a URL and analyze it for safety. Some of these are free and very easy to use, while others require a subscription or pay-per-use fee.
Protecting Against Threats: Link Virus Checker
For example, link virus checker is an online service that analyzes the safety of websites and the presence of different types of malware and viruses. It uses public and private data sources for this analysis. It also provides a “submit to reanalyze” feature in case you think the results are inaccurate.
Another popular tool is Norton Safe Web, which provides a website and browser extension that checks websites in real time for potential security risks. It also assesses phishing and malware attempts. Other similar online services include PhishTank, dfndr lab, and URLVoid.