Customized Lanyard

Customizable Lanyard is a promotional item that can be printed with brand logos, artworks and advertisements to become mini billboards for organizations or events. They can be worn by fans, representatives, clients and VIPs at concerts, festival fairs, trade shows, exhibitions and job fairs.

Lanyards can be made from a range of materials including polyester, nylon and cotton. They are often woven with text and patterns for a more personal touch. Woven lanyards offer greater durability and comfort, especially for longer wear times. Some have a safety closure feature known as breakaway ID lanyards that release when pulled, preventing the cord from getting caught or stuck on anything. This is particularly important for lanyards used by hospitals and healthcare clinics, schools, child care facilities or factories where employees operate machinery.

Affordable and Stylish: Cheap Lanyards

Other features of lanyards include the ability to incorporate a variety of attachments. Examples include a carabiner hook for secure attachment to equipment, or a safety loop that can be attached to a key ring for convenient access. They can also be molded with 3-D silicone printing that offers a vibrant and artistic appearance.

Another popular feature is a breakaway ID lanyard, which includes a flat safety closure that releases the lanyard and badge holder if tugged or ripped to prevent choking or hanging. This type of lanyard is often used by law enforcement officers or members of the military who are required to use firearms, and is also commonly used in places such as schools, nursing homes and factories where workers must operate dangerous machinery.